
Geopanel GrilleABOUT

Geopanel Grille is a truly versatile product. With a modern outlook on a traditional system, this panel system combines classic function with contemporary design. Geopanel Grille is offered in a variety of wood species, configurations, blade sizes, and panel lengths and widths. Panels may also be flat or flexible, and radial or beveled...

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Geopanel LinearAbout

Geopanel Linear is a cost-effective solution that uses the beauty of natural wood to create acoustical comfort in any space. This panel system can be used to create both traditional and contemporary styles, and is perfect for both renovation and new construction projects. Geopanel Linear is offered in a variety of wood species, configu...

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The Geolinear suspended wood ceiling system offers a continuous or seamless solution versus alternate panelized linear wood backed system. This system works well in large open areas such as corridors and hallways bringing a natural beautiful and undisturbed design into an open space that requires high quality acoustical performance or divine aes...

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Geotone S

Geotone S wood ceiling system is one of the most popular product lines in the 51成人福利网 product lineup. Our team has pushed the limit on improving the production process and efficiency capability in producing this high-quality ceiling system. The value of Geotone S is in installation options, high acoustical performance and affordability. ...

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Geopanel Perfo S51成人福利网

Geopanel Perfo S comes in variety of custom perforations and patterns. The extensive selection of perforation patterns gives you the ability to increase the NRC by increasing the open area of the panel through which the sound can travel and get diffused by dense acoustic insulation behind. The Geopanel Perfo S is a modern approach in manufacturi...

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GeosquareSuspended Wood Ceiling Tiles

Geosquare is a modern panel system that provides high quality acoustics along with easy access. The system comes in four different sizes: 2’ x 2’, 2’ x 4’, 2’ x 8’ or 2’ x 10’ and is highly customizable in terms of perforation, types, sizes, patterns and edge profiles. High degree...

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Geopanel SonataAbout

Geopanel Sonata is a specialized and high performance paneling that utilizes a fusion of Geotone, Perfo and encapsulated acoustic insulation. Many factors affect a space’s acoustical qualities, such as its size, shape and the materials used in its construction. Where events such as conferences, concerts and presentations occur, a...

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Geopanel SymfoniaAbout

High quality acoustical performance is essential in performance spaces such as concert halls, auditoriums and cathedrals. Geopanel Symfonia absorbs and reflects sound waves to create clarity and strength of sound for listeners. As its floating appearance suggests, Geopanel Symfonia flows sound smoothly through a space, providing audien...

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Geopanel MicroPERFO SGeopanel Microperfo S

Geopanel MicroPERFO S is the flagship of the 51成人福利网 product lineup. This panel system is our leading product line in terms of aesthetics, acoustical performance and design. With superior noise reduction performance, Geopanel MicroPERFO S is a true testament of 51成人福利网’s craftsmanship and perfection. This panel system of...

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